
President Museveni Advocates for Rejection of Shallowness in Speech to Commonwealth Speakers



During the recent 27th Conference of Speakers and Presiding Officers of the Commonwealth, Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni delivered a compelling speech emphasizing the imperative need to discard philosophical, ideological, and strategic shallowness in global discourse. Addressing an audience representing the 2.4 billion population of Commonwealth countries, President Museveni highlighted humanity’s progression in utilizing nature for improving lives while cautioning against prioritizing personal gain over collective benefits.

In his address, President Museveni, as one of Africa’s third-generation anti-colonial resistance fighters, expressed his intent to present Uganda’s ideas to the world during upcoming meetings of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and G-77 plus China. These meetings, collectively comprising a population of 6.4 billion from member countries, offer a platform for sharing Uganda’s perspective on global issues.

The president traced humanity’s journey over the last 4½ million years, underlining the pivotal role of Homo sapiens sapiens in societal evolution and transformation. He asserted that all members of the human race are either African or descendants of Africans, emphasizing the origins of humanity.

President Museveni highlighted mankind’s resilience in overcoming nature’s challenges through innovation, from the inception of stone tools to modern advancements like tractors and AI. However, he also lamented the additional oppression faced by humans from fellow beings driven by greed, leading to conflicts, colonization, and imperialism.

Referencing historical events and interactions between colonizers and the colonized, the president acknowledged both positive and negative outcomes. He stressed the necessity of learning from history and converting past problematic situations into mutually beneficial opportunities, as exemplified by the formation of the Commonwealth.

The core message reiterated by President Museveni centered on rejecting shallowness in philosophical, ideological, and strategic pursuits. He emphasized the misuse of advancements in science and technology for oppressive purposes, urging a focus on leveraging progress for the betterment of all.

In his closing remarks, the president advocated for a peaceful world, urging leaders to lead by example rather than manipulation or lectures. He cited historical instances where the failure to suppress ideas ultimately led to societal progress and enlightenment.

President Museveni’s comprehensive address to the Commonwealth delegates resonated with the call for a deeper understanding of societal complexities, urging a concerted effort towards shared progress and the rejection of narrow-mindedness in global affairs.

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