
Uganda’s Consul To Lebanon Encourages Use of Uganda Airlines and Investments in Livestock Farming



Uganda’s Consul to Lebanon, Mohammad Khoder Hussein, recently called upon the people of Lebanon to consider Uganda Airlines as their preferred choice for international travel while also urging Lebanese entrepreneurs to invest in Uganda’s burgeoning livestock farming industry.

Consul Mohammad Khoder Hussein highlighted the pivotal role that Uganda Airlines plays in bolstering Uganda’s economy. He emphasized the importance of supporting the national carrier, which has been steadily expanding its route network and enhancing services. Hussein cited Uganda Airlines’ commitment to safety, reliability, and its role in fostering economic growth within Uganda.

“Uganda Airlines has been instrumental in promoting economic development and connecting Uganda with the world,” said Hussein. “By choosing Uganda Airlines for your international travel needs, you are contributing to the growth of Uganda’s economy, which, in turn, benefits our bilateral relations with Lebanon.”

Consul Hussein also took the opportunity to encourage Lebanese investors to explore opportunities in Uganda’s livestock farming sector. He pointed out that Uganda boasts vast untapped potential in agriculture, particularly in livestock farming, with fertile land and a conducive climate for livestock rearing.

“Uganda’s livestock farming industry is a sector ripe for investment,” Hussein stated. “Lebanese entrepreneurs looking to diversify their portfolios and invest in agriculture will find a welcoming environment in Uganda, with immense potential for profitable ventures.”

Hussein emphasized the benefits of investing in Uganda’s livestock sector, which include access to abundant natural resources, a growing domestic and international market for livestock products, and the potential to contribute to food security in the region. He also mentioned that the Ugandan government is keen on attracting foreign investments to boost the country’s agriculture industry.

The Consul’s call to action for promoting Uganda Airlines and investing in livestock farming was well-received by the Lebanese community and local business leaders in attendance. The event was seen as an opportunity to strengthen economic ties between Lebanon and Uganda, with the potential for mutual benefit in trade and investment.

As Uganda continues to develop its aviation sector and agriculture industry, Consul Mohammad Khoder Hussein’s outreach serves as a reminder of the opportunities for cross-border collaboration and partnership between the two nations, fostering economic growth and cooperation.

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