
Tayebwa Leads Regional Efforts Against Violent Extremism in Meeting with IGAD Legislators



Deputy Speaker of Uganda's Parliament, Thomas Tayebwa (C) in a group photo

Deputy Speaker of Uganda’s Parliament, Thomas Tayebwa, took the podium at the IGAD Center of Excellence for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism meeting held at Lake Victoria Granada Hotel in Entebbe. The gathering, generously supported by the Swedish government, brought together legislators from Djibouti, Kenya, Somalia, Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Uganda, all dedicated to the crucial mission of safeguarding the well-being of women and children by implementing effective measures to combat and mitigate the impact of violent extremism.

The legislators, representing defense and security committees from their respective parliaments, engaged in thoughtful discussions and collaborative initiatives aimed at addressing the challenges posed by violent extremism in the region. Deputy Speaker Tayebwa underscored the commitment of the participating nations to work together in preventing and countering violent extremism, emphasizing the importance of a united front in securing the region’s future.

Deputy Speaker of Uganda’s Parliament, Thomas Tayebwa

“I had the honor of addressing a meeting of regional legislators who are resolutely dedicated to the safety and well-being of women and children in our respective nations. Together, we are determined to implement effective measures to combat and mitigate the impact of violent extremism,” stated Deputy Speaker Tayebwa during the meeting.

One of the key announcements made by the Deputy Speaker was his pledge to ensure that the Ugandan government approves its comprehensive strategy on Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism. This pivotal document, under review since 2021, is expected to provide a comprehensive framework for addressing the root causes of extremism and fostering a secure environment for all citizens.

The meeting also served as a platform for legislators to share insights, best practices, and collaborative strategies in the fight against violent extremism. The discussions focused on enhancing regional cooperation, intelligence-sharing, and the development of policies that prioritize the safety and security of communities.

As the meeting concluded, Deputy Speaker Tayebwa expressed optimism about the collective efforts of the participating nations. He emphasized the need for continued collaboration and urged swift action in implementing the comprehensive strategy to effectively prevent and counter the rise of violent extremism in the region.

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