
SAY NO TO EXTERNAL PRESSURES! First Lady Janet Urges Africa to Assert Sovereignty



First Lady Janet Museveni

Uganda’s First Lady, Maama Janet Museveni, delivered a passionate address on the side-lines of the 2nd African Inter-Parliamentary Conference, lauding delegates for their unwavering commitment to defending the human family against existential threats.

In her remarks, Mrs. Museveni lauded the delegates for their courage in standing up and speaking out against any forces that endanger the well-being of humanity. She emphasized the critical importance of Africa asserting itself on the global stage, highlighting the continent’s historical subjugation and the need for self-determination.

“It is time for Africa to assert itself,” declared Mrs. Museveni. “For too long, we have been bulldozed into all sorts of things, but now, surely, we must find the strength to say NO, without being forced to comply.”

She added, “We must acknowledge the significant challenge currently facing the family, and I’m grateful to all those willing to take a stand, be counted, and speak against agendas that are detrimental to the survival of the human family.”

Mrs. Museveni’s urged the delegates to bank on God’s help as they strive to fend off any form of intimidation that threatens Africa’s independence.

“We cannot give up on this. We pray that God will indeed uphold and empower us to stand firm, speak up, and resist intimidation and manipulation,” she said.

Throughout her address, Mrs. Museveni reiterated the importance of unity among African nations in confronting global challenges and advancing the continent’s agenda. She emphasized the need for African leaders to prioritize the well-being of their people and to resist any attempts to undermine their autonomy.

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