
President Museveni Commends Zanzibar’s Unity and African Principles at 60th Independence Celebration



In a powerful address at the 60th-anniversary celebrations of Zanzibar’s independence, Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni congratulated the people of Zanzibar, the entire Republic, and the People of Tanzania for their historic achievements. The festivities took place at the Uwanja Wa Amaan Stadium in Zanzibar City.

President Museveni commended the efforts of the revolutionaries, led by His Excellency Abeid Amani Karume, for ensuring that Zanzibar had the opportunity to practice pure African principles of governance. He specifically highlighted the commitment to African unity over the divisive tactics of “divide and rule.”

The collaboration between Zanzibar and Mwalimu Nyerere, according to President Museveni, showcased to the rest of Africa that unity is achievable when two countries come together as one. The President expressed a strong belief in unity as a catalyst for broader markets, rapid development, and as a response to external pressures.

President Yoweri Museveni

“I congratulate the people of Zanzibar and Tanzania once again,” said President Museveni, emphasizing the significance of the occasion and the positive impact Zanzibar’s unity could have as an example for the rest of the continent.

The celebration not only marked Zanzibar’s journey of independence but also served as a platform for reflection on the principles of governance that prioritize unity and cooperation for the greater good. President Museveni’s remarks underscored the importance of these principles in achieving sustainable development and confronting external challenges.

As the celebrations concluded, the spotlight remains on Zanzibar’s unique historical path and the lessons it holds for the broader African community in fostering unity and collaboration for shared prosperity.

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