
President Museveni Applauds Uganda’s First Kidney Transplant with Indian Surgical Expertise at Mulago Hospital



President Yoweri Museveni on Friday met with a group of surgeons from Mulago National Referral Hospital, heralding a significant medical feat—the successful completion of Uganda’s first-ever kidney transplant.

The pioneering surgical team, led by the Health Minister Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng, met with President Museveni to share insights into this ground-breaking achievement performed at Mulago Hospital last Wednesday. It also included Indian surgeons who participated in the medical triumph.

A Landmark Achievement in Uganda’s Medical History

Dr. Aceng announced the commencement of Uganda’s kidney transplant program, marking a monumental step forward in the nation’s healthcare landscape. The historic inaugural procedure, executed at Mulago Hospital, saw the collaboration of specialist doctors from Yoshada Hospital in India, symbolizing a milestone in Uganda’s medical capabilities.

President Museveni commended the collaborative efforts and expertise demonstrated by the surgical team, acknowledging their dedication and skill in bringing this transformative medical milestone to fruition within the country.

Promoting Specialized Healthcare Initiatives

Dr. Aceng reiterated the government’s commitment to advancing specialized healthcare initiatives within Uganda. The initiation of the kidney transplant program stands as a testament to the nation’s dedication to providing comprehensive medical care to its citizens, reducing the need for patients to seek such treatments abroad.

President Museveni lauded the efforts of the medical professionals involved, highlighting the importance of investing in and nurturing specialized healthcare expertise within the country. He emphasized the transformative impact of such initiatives, not only in enhancing healthcare accessibility but also in bolstering Uganda’s medical infrastructure and capabilities.

A New Chapter in Uganda’s Healthcare Landscape

The successful kidney transplant at Mulago Hospital marks the beginning of a new chapter in Uganda’s healthcare journey, underscoring the nation’s strides toward self-sufficiency in advanced medical procedures. The achievement signifies a shift towards local provision of critical medical services that were previously sought overseas, benefiting countless Ugandans in need of such specialized treatments.

As the nation celebrates this momentous feat, President Museveni expressed optimism for the future, emphasizing the significance of such advancements in elevating Uganda’s healthcare standards and ensuring a healthier future for its citizens.

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