
Ethiopia Affirms Commitment to Bilateral Engagement with Somalia



His Excellency Ambassador Mesganu Arga, Ethiopia's Minister for Foreign Affairs

Ethiopia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, His Excellency Ambassador Mesganu Arga, has emphasized his country’s unwavering commitment to bilaterally engage with Somalia.

The announcement signals Ethiopia’s dedication to addressing current concerns and maintaining the longstanding friendly relationship between the sisterly nations of Ethiopia and Somalia.

Ambassador Arga, who is representing Ethiopia at the Non-aligned Movement summit now under in Uganda’s capital Kampala, highlighted the importance of fostering strong ties with Somalia, a sentiment echoed by leaders from across the Non-Aligned Movement. The NAM summit provides a platform for nations to engage in constructive dialogue and build partnerships based on mutual respect and cooperation.

His comments come on the heels of an MoU signed between Ethiopia and Somaliland that eventually see Addis Ababa recognise the latter’s autonomy.

H.E Arga underscored the historical and cultural connections that bind Ethiopia and Somalia. He expressed Ethiopia’s commitment to resolving outstanding issues through diplomatic channels, reinforcing the shared values that have characterized the relationship between the two nations over the years.

The announcement comes at a crucial time when the Horn of Africa region is navigating complex geopolitical dynamics and facing various challenges. Ethiopia’s willingness to engage in bilateral discussions with Somalia is seen as a positive step toward regional stability and cooperation.

He also reaffirmed Ethiopia’s support for Uganda’s Chairmanship of NAM under its wise and effective leadership adding that Ethiopia remains a strong believer in the Principles of the Charter of the UN.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs also emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts in addressing common challenges faced by countries in the Horn of Africa. As the NAM summit progresses, leaders are expected to explore avenues for enhanced cooperation, not only between Ethiopia and Somalia but also within the broader context of the regional and global challenges that member nations collectively confront.

The international community is closely monitoring these developments, recognizing the significance of diplomatic initiatives in fostering peace and stability in the Horn of Africa. The commitment expressed by Ethiopia at the NAM summit reflects a constructive approach to resolving differences and strengthening the bonds of friendship between neighboring nations.

As the summit continues, the focus on diplomatic solutions and bilateral engagements is expected to shape the future trajectory of relations between Ethiopia and Somalia, contributing to the overall stability and prosperity of the region.

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