
DR Congo’s Tshisekedi cuts short Europe trip after bomb kills 10 people in IDP



A devastating bomb attack rocked the displaced persons camp of Mugunga near Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) this morning, leaving a trail of destruction and claiming the lives of at least 10 people. In response to the tragic incident, President Félix Tshisekedi has expedited his return from his Europe trip, signaling the gravity of the situation.

Hospital sources have confirmed that among the casualties are at least 17 injured individuals, including children, who have been rushed to Bethesda CBCA Ndosho Hospital in the city for treatment. The hospital is currently hosting a surgical team from the International Committee of the Red Cross, ensuring critical medical support for the victims.

While the provincial government of North Kivu has yet to release an official statement regarding the casualties, fingers are pointed at the March 23 Movement (M23) rebels for orchestrating the deadly attack. The M23 rebels have been at the center of escalating conflict in the region, engaging in clashes with the Congolese army and gaining control over territories in the province of North Kivu in recent weeks.

The attack at the Mugunga displaced persons camp underscores the precarious security situation in DR Congo’s eastern region, where violence and instability have become recurrent challenges. President Tshisekedi’s decision to cut short his Europe trip reflects the seriousness with which the government is addressing the crisis, signaling a commitment to restoring peace and stability in the affected areas.

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