
DR Congo, SADC coalition launches Military Operations, vows to crush M23 rebels and Return Displaced People to Their Homes



In the heart of the lush and troubled landscapes of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), a new chapter unfolded as Southern Africa Development Cooperation (SADC) troops joined forces with the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC) to initiate a bold offensive against rebels, particularly the notorious M23 faction in the eastern region.

The atmosphere was tense as the joint military operations commenced, with the coalition forces determined to bring stability and peace to a region marred by years of conflict. The mandate is crystal clear – an offensive aimed at eliminating the threat posed by the rebels and, more importantly, the restoration of normalcy for the countless displaced civilians caught in the crossfire.

“The inhabitants taken hostage by the M23 and the population of North Kivu must know that this force is different from that of EAC. SADC comes with an offensive mission,” FARDC’s LT General Fall Sikabwe said during a meeting with SADC military chiefs.

As the offensive started, there were reports of intense clashes between the coalition forces and the rebels, with both sides fiercely contesting control over strategic territories.


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