
‘Anite with an E,’ Mysteriously Changes Twitter Bio, Removes Her Photo With Museveni



The State Minister of Finance for Investment and Privatization, Evelyn Anite Kajik has removed her X bio prompting questions from social media users.

Her X bio now reads, “This is the official account of AnitE,” contrasting the previous bio that had her title as State Minister.

It is not clear why she removed the bio and went ahead to delete a cover photo where she appeared with the president.

The last photo she commented on was a quote from a post by her colleague Peter Ogwang.

Local media recently revealed that she admitted shedding tears during a tense meeting at State House the president had called over a controversial ‘service award’ involving Uganda Investment Authority bosses.

It should be noted that changing social bios is one’s discretion. Journalist Andrew Kyamagero has posted on X that the minister is holed up in Canada where she is on leave.

However, unwritten rules of social media etiquette , have it that people change bios depending their social ladders alterations, reason why some have found it unusual for the minister.








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