
Among Acknowledges Speakers’ Boycott of Commonwealth Conference Over Anti-Homosexuality Act



Speaker of Uganda's Parliament, Anitah Among

The recent Conference of Speakers and Presiding Officers of the Commonwealth (CSCOP) held in Uganda faced a significant setback as the Speaker of Uganda’s Parliament, Anitah Among, acknowledged that several confirmed attendees opted out due to the country’s controversial Anti-Homosexuality Act of 2023.

During the official opening ceremony at the Commonwealth Resort Munyonyo, it was disclosed that out of the 43 initially confirmed speakers, only 33 attended the conference. Speaker Among, in her closing remarks, expressed gratitude to those who chose to attend despite immense international pressure and highlighted the reasons behind the boycott.

“We have Speakers who feared to come because of the law that we made,” Speaker Among stated. “We don’t kill anyone who is a homosexual. We don’t reject people who come here because they are homosexuals, but we only respect what we passed. We respect our values. We respect our traditions as a country.”

The Anti-Homosexuality Act passed in 2023 has been a subject of global concern and criticism, leading some Commonwealth Speakers to abstain from participating in the conference held in Uganda. Despite reassurances from Speaker Among regarding the country’s treatment of individuals based on sexual orientation, the law’s existence has led to an impactful demonstration of disapproval by some international delegates.

The incident has sparked debates surrounding the balance between national legislation and international relationships, emphasizing the complexities and conflicts that arise when national laws clash with international values and norms.

The decision of certain Speakers to abstain from the CSCOP meeting sheds light on the ongoing discussions within the Commonwealth regarding human rights, national sovereignty, and the challenges of accommodating diverse perspectives within an international forum.

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