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US Speaks Out on Uganda Anti-Corruption Protests



The US Mission in Uganda has issued a statement expressing concern over the recent arrests of over 90 Ugandan citizens who were peacefully demonstrating against corruption. The statement, released on Friday morning and posted on X, highlighted the fundamental importance of freedoms of expression and peaceful assembly in a democratic society.

“The freedoms of expression and peaceful assembly are fundamental to democracy,” the statement reads. The US Mission commends the courage of the media in ensuring the Ugandan public remains informed about these crucial issues. The recent arrests have raised significant concerns among human rights organizations and the international community, prompting calls for accountability and justice.

Under the Ugandan constitution, all detained individuals have the right to a fair hearing and safe treatment. The US Mission has urged the Ugandan authorities to uphold these rights and ensure that any allegations of individuals being assaulted while in detention are thoroughly investigated.

It adds, “We urge that any allegations of individuals assaulted in detention be investigated and perpetrators be held accountable.”

The peaceful demonstrations against corruption have garnered widespread attention, both locally and internationally, as citizens demand transparency and accountability.

During his address last Saturday, Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni warned protesters against engaging in the activity instead advising them to use dialogue to address challenges.

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