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United Nations Security Council Extends ATMIS Mandate



The United Nations Security Council unanimously extended the mandate of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) until August 12, 2024, through the adoption of Resolution 2741 (2024). Acting under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, the Council authorized African Union member states to maintain a deployment of up to 14,626 uniformed personnel until June 30, 2024, with a subsequent reduction to 12,626 personnel until the mission’s conclusion.

The resolution emphasizes support for Somalia’s security sector development plan and urges continued progress towards the country assuming full responsibility for its security. It also highlights the Council’s request for ongoing logistical support from the Secretary-General, including for ATMIS civilians, to enhance operational coordination between the UN, AU, and Somalia.

Recognizing efforts by the AU and Somalia to finalize a concept of operations for a post-ATMIS peace support operation by July 31, 2024, the Council encouraged incorporating clear benchmarks and an exit strategy into the plan. A follow-up meeting is slated for August 2, 2024, to review progress and determine next steps.

France’s representative welcomed the renewal of ATMIS and UNSOS mandates, stressing the importance of sustainable international support for Somalia’s security beyond 2024. The representative highlighted the need for a robust financial framework supported by diverse contributions, noting the European Union’s substantial commitment to Somalia since 2009 and urging new partners to contribute to ensure the success of future missions.

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