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Uganda’s Army Denounces Baseless Accusations Amid Strong DRC Peacekeeping Mission



The Uganda Peoples Defence Forces (UPDF) Deputy Spokesperson, Col Deo Akiiki, has emphasized Uganda’s unwavering commitment to peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Col Akiiki condemned the unsubstantiated and biased reports accusing Uganda of destabilizing the region, calling them misleading and unfounded.

“It is perplexing why such reports falsely accuse us when our collaboration with the Congolese Forces (FARDC) against negative forces like the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) is at its peak,” stated Col Akiiki. He highlighted the robust diplomatic relations between Uganda and the DRC, stressing that Uganda prioritizes peace in the DRC above any individual or entity spreading false narratives.

Uganda’s deployment in the DRC came as part of the East African Community regional force’s initiative to pursue peace. However, it also has with a specific mandate to combat the ADF under a bilateral agreement with the DRC. Col Akiiki pointed out the ongoing joint development of infrastructure and peace-related projects in eastern DRC as concrete evidence of Uganda’s dedication to stabilizing the region.

“It would be illogical for us to destabilize the same region we are working tirelessly to stabilize,” he asserted.

The UPDF’s response comes amid growing concern over the credibility of reports that have not sought Uganda’s perspective or corroborated their claims with substantial evidence. Col Akiiki challenged the authors of these reports to present conclusive evidence implicating the UPDF, noting that such evidence has never been provided.

He further criticized the reliance on what he termed “armchair research” by self-proclaimed experts, urging them to consult genuine experts on Eastern DRC to produce higher-quality, more accurate reports.

“We eagerly await evidence from this report that conclusively implicates the UPDF in these falsehoods, but it will never materialize, just like it has never been presented before,” Col Akiiki remarked.

Uganda’s strong response underscores its commitment to maintaining peace and stability in the DRC and highlights the collaborative efforts with the FARDC against insurgent groups like the ADF.