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Uganda and Turkey Pave the Way for Enhanced Economic Collaboration: Ambassador Shares Visions With Minister Anite



Hon Anite Evelyn (L) during her meeting with Turkish Ambassador to Uganda Mehmet Fatih AK

Evelyn Anite, the State Minister for Investment and Privatization in Uganda, recently sparked enthusiasm among citizens with her tweet introducing the new Ambassador of the Republic of Türkiye to Uganda, Mehmet Fatih AK. In her tweet, Anite hinted at the ambassador’s ambitious plans to bolster economic ties between Uganda and Turkey, pointing to the influx of Turkish investors into Uganda.

Ambassador Mehmet Fatih AK reciprocated the sentiment, expressing his delight at meeting Hon. Evelyn Anite and emphasizing their shared vision to fortify relations between the two nations across multiple sectors. In a statement following their meeting, the ambassador praised the warm reception and the substantive discussions held, affirming a commitment to working closely with Minister Anite to attract more Turkish investors to Uganda.

The exchange between Minister Anite and Ambassador Mehmet Fatih AK underscores a concerted effort to foster economic diplomacy and strengthen bilateral relations between Uganda and Turkey. Both parties have expressed a keen interest in expanding collaboration in various domains, aiming to capitalize on the mutually beneficial opportunities that exist between the two nations.

Anite’s tweet hinted at the burgeoning interest among Turkish investors in Uganda, signaling a promising trend in economic engagement. The ambassador’s subsequent acknowledgment and commitment further solidify the intent to enhance this collaborative endeavor, leveraging each country’s strengths and resources for shared prosperity.

This exchange aligns with Uganda’s continuous efforts to attract foreign investments and fortify its economic landscape. The emerging partnership with Turkey holds the promise of opening new avenues for trade, investment, and cooperation, potentially elevating Uganda’s economic trajectory on the global stage.

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