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President Museveni Urges Global Unity & Political Stability to Address Escalating Refugee Crisis



At the 2023 Refugee Forum in Geneva, Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja of Uganda, delivering President Yoweri Museveni’s speech, emphasized the urgency for global cooperation in resolving the escalating refugee crisis.

With millions worldwide looking forward to the Forum’s resolutions, Nabbanja highlighted the critical need to prioritize common interests over superficial differences, advocating for stable political conditions across nations to curb the refugee crisis.

Uganda is host to over 1.5 million refugees, one of the highest in the world.

Museveni’s address underscored the universal vulnerability of nations, regardless of size, wealth, or power, to the detrimental impacts of the refugee crisis. Stressing the need to address root causes, the President emphasized that stabilizing political conditions could prevent forced displacement due to politics, poverty, or natural disasters.

Drawing on Uganda’s own history, Museveni shared insights from the NRM Government’s ascent to power in 1986 when over 500,000 Ugandans had fled to neighboring countries. He emphasized that Uganda’s open-door policy towards refugees wasn’t merely charity but a reflection of their commitment to the principle of “Ubuntu” or Humanity.

However, Museveni also highlighted the resource constraints faced by Uganda in providing for refugees within its borders. While championing the cause of hosting refugees, he noted the strain on Uganda’s economic resources to meet their needs for basic necessities, education, and skills.

The President highlighted that democracy and stable living conditions were pivotal in resolving the refugee crisis globally. Creating secure, peaceful, and democratic environments in every nation, he stressed, could eradicate the root causes forcing people to become refugees.

Moreover, Museveni urged for an acceleration of political and economic integration in Africa, citing that many conflicts exacerbating the refugee crisis were fueled by opportunists exploiting governance weaknesses.

The speech resonated with delegates, emphasizing the imperative need for a unified global approach to address the refugee crisis through political stability, democracy, and economic integration. Museveni’s call for prioritizing the future of children and subsequent generations through comprehensive solutions garnered significant attention, underscoring the forum’s mission to find lasting resolutions to this global challenge.

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