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Museveni Wraps Up G77+China Summit with a Call for Global Prosperity & Collaboration



Museveni Wraps Up G77+China Summit
Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni urged nations to unite in supporting each other's prosperity

Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni on Tuesday closed the Third South Summit of the Group of 77 and China with a powerful call to leaders worldwide.

He urged nations to unite in supporting each other’s prosperity and ensuring that no one is left behind. President Museveni emphasized the need for collaborative efforts to address global challenges and work towards shared global affluence.

President Museveni took over chairmanship of G77+China from Cuba. The island nation’s Vice President H.E Salvador Valdes Mesa (2nd R) handed over

During his one-year chairmanship of the G77+China group of nations, President Museveni outlined three key focal points that will guide the organization’s initiatives:

  1. Enabling Participation: The president stressed the importance of enabling the participation of all individuals in the production of goods and services. He emphasized the need for inclusive policies that empower people from all walks of life to actively contribute to economic activities.
  2. Access to Markets: President Museveni highlighted the significance of facilitating access to markets to streamline the buying and selling of goods and services. He called for measures to reduce barriers and enhance international trade, fostering economic growth and development.
  3. Infrastructure Development: The chairman underscored the necessity of creating enabling soft and physical infrastructure in critical sectors such as energy, information and technology, and transport. Infrastructure development, according to President Museveni, is a cornerstone for sustainable economic progress.

Addressing the issue of security, President Museveni identified pockets of insecurity as one of the major impediments to investment.

He asserted that true prosperity cannot be achieved if there are areas of instability within the G77+China group, emphasizing the importance of addressing security concerns to attract and retain investments.

Expressing gratitude to all participants in the summits, President Museveni conveyed his optimism about the collective potential of nations working together. “There’s so much we can do together,” he said, emphasizing the shared goal of global affluence. The president concluded by stating that by working together, there is nothing the G77+China cannot achieve.

As the G77 and China prepare to embark on a year of coordinated efforts under President Museveni’s leadership, the international community watches with anticipation, hoping that the outlined priorities will pave the way for a more prosperous and inclusive global future.