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Museveni Praises Security for Foiling ‘Foreign-Funded Protests’



President Yoweri Museveni has commended Security Forces, and Ugandan citizens for their role in preventing a mega demonstration planned for Tuesday.

In a post on X, the President highlighted the involvement of foreign funding and ill intentions behind the protest, emphasizing Uganda’s resilience against neo-colonial interference.

President Museveni also thanked the “wanainchi” (citizens) for not participating in the “bad demonstration,” which he says was driven by foreign entities with a history of meddling in Africa’s internal affairs.

“That demonstration had two bad elements. Element no.1, was funding from foreign sources that are always meddling in the internal affairs of Africa for the last 600 years ─ slave trade, colonialism, neo-colonialism, genocide, economic exploitation, etc. All those involved, should know that Uganda is not a neo-colony where those shallow schemes can be deployed,” he stated.

Museveni further elaborated that some participants were unaware of the foreign funding and the harmful plans orchestrated against the Ugandan people. He urged those individuals to heed police advice in the future to avoid being unwittingly involved in such schemes.

“It is possible that some of the participants did not know of the planned foreign funding and the planned bad things. That is why they should have listened to the police advice, not to go on with the demonstration. But they rubbished the police advice,” he added.

The President emphasized his support for genuine, patriotic, and peaceful anti-corruption protests coordinated with the police. He reminisced about a peaceful anti-corruption march organized by Nakalema in December 2019, which saw broad participation from various societal sectors, including bishops, soldiers, and citizens. Museveni expressed readiness to participate in similar efforts in the future, suggesting that they be held on Sundays to minimize disruption.

However, he condemned those funded by foreign interests and urged them to report to the Minister of State for Ethics. “Our interest is to immunize Uganda against the schemes of the imperialists and their agents,” Museveni declared. He warned Ugandans to avoid these “mistake makers” and predicted that the evidence presented in court would reveal the true intentions behind the planned demonstration.

The president has assured the public that he remains committed to the fight against corruption, vowing to act upon any evidence provided. “The fight against corruption is in my hands. I just need evidence and action will be taken,” he affirmed.

President Museveni promised to provide further details in a broadcast next week and thanked the Lord that no bloodshed occurred during the foiled protest. He reiterated his confidence in leading this “little war” against corruption, drawing parallels to past struggles that Uganda has overcome.