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HARAM! Goma Burns 24 ‘Unfit Pigs’ from Rwanda As Kinshasa-Kigali Tensions Worsen



In Goma City, the provincial capital of North Kivu eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, local authorities conducted the cremation of 24 pigs from Rwanda on Wednesday, February 14.

The decision to dispose of the pigs was made by border veterinary and hygiene services who reportedly deemed the meat unfit for consumption.

It comes on the heels of tensions between the two countries with DRC forces fighting Rwanda backed M23 rebels in the east of the country

The intercepted meat had been trafficked without undergoing the necessary verification procedures at the border, according to reports. The vigilant efforts of appropriate services, with the assistance of law enforcement agents, led to the seizure of the questionable meat, as confirmed by the Goma town hall.

Dr. Éphrem Nzoa, inspector of the urban fishing and livestock service, urged both the general population and butcher shop owners to exercise caution.

He emphasized the importance of being well-informed about meat conservation measures, ultimately aiming to safeguard the community from potential zoonoses.


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