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EU presents 2024 humanitarian implementation plan



In a proactive engagement aimed at fortifying humanitarian efforts while emphasizing collaboration and developmental coherence, the European Union’s humanitarian office convened with Uganda’s aid community to unveil the comprehensive 2024 Humanitarian Implementation Plan.

The meeting, which resonated with the theme of #transition, #localization, and #Nexus, showcased a blueprint aligned with Uganda’s priorities as articulated by the government of Uganda. This initiative gains significance in anticipation of the 2023 #GlobalRefugeeForum, signifying a concerted effort toward holistic and sustainable solutions.

Head of Cooperation Caroline Adriaensen, in inaugurating the event, emphasized the EU’s commitment to maximizing impact across priority sectors by adopting a collaborative approach. Adriaensen underscored the importance of co-designing programs alongside the EU’s humanitarian office, aligning interventions with Uganda’s developmental needs.

“Building a bridge between immediate humanitarian response and the long-term developmental aspirations of Uganda is imperative,” remarked Adriaensen, highlighting the significance of a #Nexus approach in aligning efforts towards sustainable development.

The emphasis on coherence and efficiency in aid delivery was a central point of discussion during the presentation of the 2024 Humanitarian Implementation Plan. The EU echoed its commitment to not only provide immediate aid but also to catalyze a collaborative framework that integrates humanitarian response with longer-term development strategies.

“Aligning our interventions with Uganda’s priorities and pledges remains a cornerstone of our approach,” stated a representative from the EU humanitarian office, emphasizing the commitment to forge partnerships that align with the country’s strategic goals.

The meeting reinforced the EU’s dedication to fostering collaboration, embracing a Nexus approach, and ensuring cost efficiency in humanitarian interventions. The initiatives outlined in the 2024 Humanitarian Implementation Plan echo a concerted effort toward harmonizing humanitarian response with Uganda’s broader developmental aspirations, signifying a step forward in aligning global aid efforts with the country’s needs.

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