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Ethiopia Warns of Destabilization as Egypt Supplies Military Aid to Somalia



The Ethiopian government has issued a stern warning about the ongoing transition from the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) to a new peace support mission, expressing concerns that the shift could destabilize the region and pose a threat to its national security.

In a strongly worded press statement released today, Ethiopia criticized what it sees as a lack of serious consideration for its repeated concerns regarding the transition process. The government emphasized that while preparations are being made by the African Union and the United Nations, the region is entering “uncharted waters” with potentially dangerous consequences.

Ethiopia accused the Somali government of “colluding with external actors aiming to destabilize the region,” a veiled reference to Egypt, which recently delivered its first military aid to Somalia in over four decades. According to diplomatic and Somali government sources, this aid delivery, confirmed on Tuesday, is likely to deepen tensions between Ethiopia, Somalia, and Egypt, further complicating an already volatile situation in the Horn of Africa.

Ethiopia’s statement underscores its frustration with the Somali government’s recent actions, suggesting that these external collaborations are undermining the hard-won gains made against regional and international terrorist groups. “Ethiopia cannot tolerate these actions that endanger the gains made against regional and international terrorist groups,” the statement declared.

The Ethiopian government has long been a key player in Somalia’s peace process, contributing troops to ATMIS and engaging in diplomatic efforts to resolve differences with Mogadishu. Despite tangible progress, Ethiopia now sees the Somali government’s alignment with Egypt as a destabilizing move that could escalate regional tensions.

Ethiopia called on the international community to recognize the legitimate concerns of regional countries and Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs) involved in the peace support mission. The statement also warned that any forces trying to inflame tensions for “short-term and futile objectives” must be prepared to face serious consequences.

Ethiopia says it remains committed to the peaceful resolution of differences and pledged to continue working with the people of Somalia and the broader international community to prevent any threats to regional stability.