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DETAILS: Landmark Supreme Court Ruling Halts Trial of Civilians In Military Court



In a landmark decision, the Supreme Court of Uganda has ruled against the trial of civilians in military courts, marking a significant step toward strengthening constitutional democracy and human rights.

The case, Attorney General v. Hon. Michael Kabaziguruka, was originally filed in 2021 and had been pending for nearly four years. The ruling, delivered eight months after a re-hearing on May 13, 2024, officially ends a 25-year debate over military jurisdiction in civilian cases.

The Uganda Law Society (ULS) has hailed the judgment as a “crucial victory for constitutionalism and the rule of law”, emphasizing that the ruling must now be fully implemented to prevent further abuses.

Key Directives from the Supreme Court Ruling:

1. Security agencies must immediately comply by ceasing the prosecution of civilians in military courts.

2. All civilians currently held for military trial must be released or transferred to civilian courts.

3. The UPDF Act must be amended to remove ambiguities that allowed the misuse of military justice.

4. The Executive must issue directives ensuring compliance, with the DPP reviewing and dismissing affected cases.

5. Compensation mechanisms should be set up for civilians affected by unconstitutional military prosecutions.

Read the Full Ruling Here:


Download Supreme Court Ruling – Uganda (PDF)

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