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East Africa to Submit Candidates For AUC Chairperson As Electoral Process Starts



The African Union Commission (AUC) has embarked on its electoral journey, marking a pivotal moment in the continent’s quest for transformative leadership. With the call for submissions of candidatures underway, the process promises to be a beacon of hope for Africa’s future.

The commencement of the election process, announced recently, heralds the beginning of a rigorous selection procedure aimed at identifying visionary leaders capable of steering the African Union towards its ambitious goals. Candidates vying for the eight senior leadership positions within the AUC have been invited to submit their credentials and vision statements outlining their strategies for advancing the AU’s transformative agenda.

Scheduled for February 2025 during the African Union Summit, the elections will see the filling of crucial roles including the Chairperson, the Deputy Chairperson, and six Commissioner posts. Each region has been allocated specific responsibilities in the nomination process, ensuring equitable representation and diversity in leadership.

  1. The Eastern region will submit both male and female candidates for the role of Chairperson.
  2. The Northern region will submit both male and female candidates for the role of Deputy Chairperson,
  3. Theremainingthreeregions(Central,Southern,andWesternregions)willsubmit at least two candidates (one female and one male) for the six portfolios of Commissioners.

The principle of inter-regional rotation underscores the commitment to inclusivity, with regions mandated to nominate candidates based on gender and geographic considerations.

To oversee the pre-selection of candidates, a Panel of Eminent Africans has been appointed, comprising distinguished personalities from across the continent. Armed with comprehensive job profiles and competency requirements, the panel is tasked with identifying candidates who possess the requisite leadership skills and thematic expertise to drive Africa’s agenda forward.

In the run-up to the elections, candidates for the position of Chairperson will engage in a televised debate known as Mjadala Afrika, providing a platform for them to articulate their vision for the continent. This interactive forum allows African citizens to participate in shaping the discourse on Africa’s development trajectory, underscoring the importance of inclusive governance and citizen engagement.

The electoral process is guided by principles of transparency, accountability, and meritocracy, ensuring that only the most qualified candidates are entrusted with leadership roles. With a term of four years, renewable once, elected leaders will have the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy of progress and prosperity for future generations.

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