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Turkish Charities Extend Aid Beyond Uganda for Ramadan



Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting has begun, and as always, Turkish charities have mobilized humanitarian aid to help disadvantaged communities in Uganda and around the world.

Turkish Ambassador to Uganda Fatih Ak told Anadolu that Türkiye, with support from the Ugandan government, remains determined to support the less privileged during the holy month.

“They (Turkish charities) are doing an excellent job with the assistance of the Ugandan authorities and their local contacts. It is impossible to explain the feeling we get when we share our food with our brothers and sisters, especially during Ramadan,” he said. “We always emphasize that charities should allocate more of their resources to sustainable, job-creating projects, along with one-time donations.”

Anadolu spoke to Turkish charities that are ramping up efforts and delivering relief supplies in Uganda and beyond.

The Türkiye Diyanet Vakfi (TDV) is delivering aid in different countries, including Uganda.

“Our focus is East, West and southern Africa this year. We have distributed Ramadan packages in Uganda, providing iftar (fast-breaking) meals and Eid clothes,” TDV coordinator Ilyas Bulut told Anadolu.

“We plan to touch over 1 million people in need in different parts of the world during Ramadan this year,” he added.

Another prominent Turkish charity group, the Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH), is also distributing relief items in Uganda.

Muhammet Emin Esmer, the IHH official in charge of East and Southern Africa, said the foundation is providing food packages in different parts of Uganda.

The Deniz Feneri Association is another Turkish organization helping those in need in Uganda and parts of Africa.

“For this year, we have Ramadan activities in more than 25 countries, including Uganda, where we shall deliver meals to as many people as possible,” Ensar Kucukkaltan, the group’s director of international affairs, told Anadolu.

For the Cansuyu Aid and Solidarity Association, the main focus in 2024 is Palestine and Africa, according to Bilal Degirmenci, a coordinator with the group.

“It hurts us deeply to see the unspeakable horrors in Gaza, where there is so much devastation, so many children starved, malnourished, injured or orphaned day after day,” he said about Israel’s war on the enclave that has killed nearly 32,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, and injured more than 73,400 since Oct. 7.

With its deadly assault, Israel, which is accused of genocide at the International Court of Justice, has displaced 85% of the territory’s population, and its crippling blockade has left millions facing starvation and famine.

“Most of our Ramadan aid will go to Gaza, but we do not forget those who need our help in Africa. We have Ramadan activities in Uganda and several other African countries,” said Degirmenci.

Genc Akademisyenler Birligi, a union of young academics from various universities in Türkiye, is also part of the Ramadan activities in Uganda.

The group’s iftar program will continue throughout the month, chairman Yunus Kocabiyik told Anadolu.

“The holy month of Ramadan reminds us of the people who need our compassion,” he said. “We strive to ensure that every child in the country is fed and educated.”

Anadolu Agency

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