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President Museveni Commends Security Forces for Successful Hosting of NAM and G77+China Summits



President Yoweri Museveni (C) with security chiefs at Kololo

Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni  has commended security for their work during the recently concluded NAM nad G77+China Summits.

Museveni spent Thursday afternoon at Kololo Independence Grounds with the country’s security forces, expressing his appreciation for their exceptional efforts in ensuring the success of the recent Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and G77+ China summits.

During his visit, President Museveni emphasized the crucial role played by the National Resistance Movement’s (NRM) doctrine on security in achieving this milestone. He highlighted the significance of the strategy of army building, which prioritizes patriotism over careerism. The president asserted, “We don’t join the army or police for money! We are soldiers and peace officers first and foremost because of our love for Uganda.”

President Museveni credited the success of hosting the international summits to the doctrine’s ability to recruit large numbers of dedicated individuals committed to the nation’s well-being. “Hosting these summits successfully was crucial. The security forces did their part. We showcased the best of Uganda, including tourism, agriculture, and investment opportunities. We dazzled our guests,” he remarked.

The president extended his gratitude to the security forces, stakeholders, and all Ugandans for their collective efforts in executing the job well. He acknowledged the professionalism and dedication exhibited by the security forces, emphasizing their pivotal role in ensuring a safe and secure environment during the high-profile events.

“Today, I spent time with the security forces at Kololo, thanking them for their excellent work during the NAM and G77+ China summits. Our ability to manage and celebrate this achievement is mainly due to the NRM’s doctrine on security,” President Museveni stated.

Singer Gravity Omutujju entertained the security forces

The successful hosting of these summits not only showcased Uganda’s diplomatic capabilities but also highlighted the country’s potential in tourism, agriculture, and investment. President Museveni’s appreciation for the security forces reflects the government’s commitment to maintaining a strong and patriotic defense system.

As Uganda continues to make strides on the international stage, the role of its security forces remains integral to safeguarding the nation’s interests and ensuring the success of future events.

President Museveni’s visit to Kololo serves as a testament to the value placed on the contributions of the security forces in making Uganda a proud host of major international gatherings.