1 month agoon
UgdiplomatHEX, the President of the Republic of Uganda and C-in-C of the UPDF
The Vice President,
The Rt. Hon. Speaker of Parliament,
His Lordship the Chief Justice,
Rt. Hon. Deputy Speaker of Parliament,
The Vice Chairperson of the NRM,
The Rt. Hon. Prime Minister,
Deputy Prime Ministers, Cabinet Ministers, Heads of the Diplomatic Missions, Members of Parliament, Religious and Cultural Leaders, General Officers, Senior Officers, and the entire UPDF Family, other sister security services present (Police, Prisons, Intelligentsia),
The people of Kyotera and Greater Masaka Region hosting us today,
Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I salute all of you for joining us to celebrate this auspicious occasion. It is a day that marked the beginning of the liberation struggle against dictatorship in this country (February 6, 1981), when HEX the President and his comrades attacked Kabamba.
Today’s 44th Tarehe Sita event, held under the theme “Celebrating Pan-African Solidarity and the Peoples’ Sacrifice in the Struggle for Freedom and Democracy for Socio-Economic Transformation” marks a significant day in the history of the UPDF/NRA and demonstrates how far we have come and where we aim to go as a country. Ours has been a journey of continuous growth, some challenges notwithstanding. We honour and revere our elders in the struggle, some of whom are here with us today.
With the valuable experience and guidance of our seniors, we shall continue the agenda of fundamental change in our society as best as we can, including by guaranteeing the security and prosperity of all.
Therefore, Your Excellency, permit me to express my deepest gratitude to you and to all those who believed in your vision of a liberated, free, and prosperous Uganda and Africa. To everyone who contributed to the liberation struggle that enables us to celebrate this day, we owe you our heartfelt thanks.
Tarehe Sita is special in our hearts, not only for its historical significance in the eventual NRA victory but also for the enduring achievements we continue to witness in our nation. As the UPDF, we have worked tirelessly to consolidate the fruits of the liberation struggle, ensuring not only peace and security within our borders but also supporting our brothers and sisters across the continent. This pan-African spirit has been and will remain a cornerstone of our mission.
Your Excellency and distinguished guests, as we mark the 44th Tarehe Sita anniversary, Uganda is strong, peaceful, and prospering. There might be some challenges ahead, but under Your Excellency’s leadership and guidance, there is nothing we will not overcome.
The UPDF security balance sheet, as I have already alluded to, is very good, even though we still have a lot of unfinished business that we must carry on with vigour and determination: these include Operation Shujaa in DRC, the transition of ATMIS to AUSSOM in Somalia, the disarmament operation in Karamoja, and overall, our responsibility to effectively maintain our internal security.
Recently, I visited the joint forces (UPDF and FARDC) in North Kivu and Ituri provinces. Over the past three years since the launch of Operation Shujaa, the joint forces have severely degraded and dismantled the ADF as a fighting force. It has been weakened. We have destroyed their bases and eliminated many of their senior commanders. Hundreds of ADF fighters have also been killed or wounded. The joint forces have also not just freed abducted people but entire villages have been liberated from enemy occupation.
Thus, because of our decisive military actions, many things have happened, or are happening: the wananchi have returned to their homes in the areas under our operational control, schools and health facilities have reopened, and businesses are thriving once again. Bilateral infrastructure projects, like the construction of roads connecting the two countries, are also taking place.
Simply put, our fight against the terrorists in Congo is promising so much hope to the people of the region. We will therefore stay the course until the ADF menace is completely eliminated.
In Somalia, our troops there are managing well the transition from ATMIS to AUSSOM. The situation remains fragile and somewhat unpredictable, but the UPDF is determined to hold on to the gains of the last 18 years that we have been there. There is the element of troop drawdown, but we and our brothers in Somalia, together with the Ethiopians, are coordinating this well. Our troops are observing heightened vigilance and combat readiness throughout our dispositions in Somalia, especially in the forward operating bases (FOBs).
Here at home, the security situation throughout the country is calm. We are, however, closely monitoring those who seek to cause trouble for our people, and we will firmly deal with them without fear or favour, according to the law. This year will be a political campaign season, and we will also be on the lookout for saboteurs both within and without. The intelligence services will be working overtime to make sure we are not taken by surprise in any way.
Your Excellency, the situation in Karamoja is encouraging once again. Relative calm has returned to most of the region, and tourism is returning. We have eliminated or arrested most of the hardcore criminals who were disturbing the peace in the community and the neighbouring areas. Our major task now is to make sure that Karimojong warriors never rearm again.
We also still have border demarcation issues with our brothers in South Sudan, but this is being addressed at high levels, and if need be, technical teams from both countries will physically demarcate and reopen the international borderline using GPS.
Otherwise, the lethality of the UPDF is constantly getting better, and we are ready to employ the full extent of our capabilities and military power to overcome any adversary and to achieve the full realisation of national development objectives.
Your Excellency, as we celebrate this year’s Tarehe Sita, there are serious challenges being directed at the ability of the UPDF to maintain its combat effectiveness, professionalism, and discipline.
Last week, we received a Supreme Court judgment which in effect halts all trials being conducted by the military courts. The UPDF and its predecessor the NRA—which we honour today—provided the lasting solution to tyranny, killings, and lawlessness that for so long plagued Uganda. The UPDF, without doubt, remains the foundation upon which democracy and socio-economic transformation in our country will be realised.
The situation must be addressed urgently. That said, we cannot and shall not abandon or compromise the UPDF’s historical mission under any circumstances. We are, in the meantime, working with the Ministry of Defence and the Attorney General to see that the necessary legislative amendments are made to address the mandate of the military court-martials.
Despite these challenges, progress has been made. Since my appointment as Chief of Defence Forces in March of last year, we have been steadfast in addressing issues of corruption and resource misappropriation. Our resources are now being utilized more effectively.
I am delighted to report that the construction of our new headquarters is progressing as planned. The project, which began in August last year, is on track for completion within the next two years.
Additionally, we continue to expand accommodation facilities throughout the UPDF, addressing the issues of fair remuneration, clothing, and other resources to improve troop welfare and operational readiness.
Your Excellency, we have also been strengthening ties with our African brothers and sisters, nurturing longstanding friendships and forging new partnerships through military cooperation agreements.
I conclude by asserting that no amount of hardship or unforeseen circumstances will derail us from our mission. We have a duty to our people, the region, and Africa.
I congratulate all of you on this occasion of Tarehe Sita and wish you God’s blessings for the future.